In this episode, educational researcher Justin Reich shares insights into transitioning to remote teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. TRANSCRIPTEPISODE NOTES Join us as we talk with Justin Reich, assistant professor in comparative media studies at MIT. Professor Reich runs the Teaching Systems Lab, which was founded with the mission of designing, implementing, and researching the future of teacher learning. With the emergence of the current coronavirus pandemic, Prof. Reich has been turning his attention to helping teachers and education policy makers figure out how to transition rapidly to remote learning. In this special episode of Chalk Radio, Prof. Reich discusses the need for teachers to use a balance between asynchronous materials and synchronous check-ins, the challenge of making home learning equitable for students, and the value of existing open educational resources (like the materials on OCW!) for teachers who are suddenly forced to teach their classes remotely. “It’s totally normal to struggle during a pandemic,” Reich says, but he reassures teachers and parents that effective education at home may look different from effective in-school education—we simply need to recognize and cultivate the kinds of learning that can happen best under these extraordinary circumstances. Relevant Resources:MIT OpenCourseWareThe OCW Educator PortalThe Teaching Systems LabProfessor Reich’s faculty pageProfessor Reich’s TeachLab podcastInterview with Prof. Reich on WBUR’s “On Point”Resources, tools, and support for teaching remotely at MITSupport remote learning by donating to OCWMusic in this episode by Blue Dot Sessions
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