Photo of three students sitting on a bench, in conversation.

Photo by Jake Belcher.

To all students who are now deep into the autumn ritual of college applications, along with all the other demands of your year: we feel you!

While we can’t join you on college tours or write those application essays, OCW can hopefully support you in a few other ways during this exciting hectic time, as OCW is always free and open for you anytime and anywhere you need it.

Screenshot of the OCW course homepage for 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python.Many incoming students use OCW to preview what college studies are like. For instance, 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python is one of the most popular courses at MIT and also on OCW. Freely browse through the teaching materials used in every MIT department and major, and go well beyond the short descriptions in most course catalogs: check out OCW lecture notes, readings, assignments and more from introductory core classes as well as advanced electives.

Screenshot of OCW Find by Topic browser.

Our Find Courses by Topic and Find Courses by Department pages make it easy to explore OCW’s collection of over 2500 courses and supplemental resources from 36 MIT departments and programs.


Photo of a group of students celebrating in a lab, with one student being held up in the air by the others.The OCW Highlights for High School has collected resources of particular interest to high school students, and their teachers and parents. Check out our exam prep material, lists of introductory OCW courses to guide and inspire your college search, and cool stuff like the ChemLab Boot Camp reality video series.

Screenshot of First Year STEM courses webpage, highlighting Biology courses.If you’re looking to get ahead in your studies of STEM subjects like Math, Physics, and Computer Science check out the First Year STEM Classes from MIT collection, which includes both MITx on edX and OCW courses. Learn from the same material used by first year MIT students to advance your knowledge, and help you prepare for incoming student placement tests.

Screenshot of webpage "Best of the Blogs."Finally, while it’s not actually part of OCW, we’re big fans of the MIT Admissions student blogs for their direct, honest, diverse and personal account of college life. Whether or not you’re applying to MIT, they’re well worth a read.


We wish you all the best in your quest for a great college match!