Among OCW’s March 2016 publications, cows help illustrate string theory and holographic duality, and MIT students share their experience in learning how to make effective educational videos. (Left: image by Hong Liu from 8.821. Right: photo by Elizabeth Choe from 20.219.)
The sixteen courses OCW published during the month of March are a great reflection of the MIT motto “mens et manus” — Latin for “mind and hand.” These courses run the gamut from the abstract and conceptual (string theory) to the practical and timely (how to create an effective educational video). Eight of these courses are brand new to OCW, and eight are updates of previously published courses.
New Courses
- Biological Engineering: 20.219 Becoming the Next Bill Nye: Writing and Hosting the Educational Show
- Biology: 7.343 An RNA Safari: Exploring the Surprising Diversity of Mammalian Transcriptomes
- Biology: 7.347 Peptides as Biological Signaling Molecules and Novel Drugs
- Math: 18.S096 Topics in Mathematics of Data Science
- Literature: 21L.430 Popular Culture and Narrative: Use and Abuse of the Fairy Tale
- Philosophy: 24:230 Meta-ethics
- Software Tools and Resources: Geographic Information System (GIS) Tutorial
- Urban Studies: CITE (Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation) Reports
Updated Courses
- Architecture: 4.661 Theory and Method in the Study of Architecture and Art
- Computer Science: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Global Studies and Languages: 21G.102 Chinese II (Regular)
- Global Studies and Languages: 21G.108 Chinese II (Streamlined)
- Literature: 21L.011 The Film Experience
- Math: 18.103 Fourier Analysis
- Math: 18.785 Number Theory I
- Physics: 8.821 String Theory and Holographic Duality