Creative Commons logo and installation view of MOMA’s exhibit “This Is for Everyone: Design Experiments for the Common Good” by Jim.Henderson. Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.
New York’s Museum of Modern Art has a new exhibit, “This is For Everyone: Design Experiments for the Common Good,” that’s close to the heart for all of us in the open education movement. The Creative Commons blog reports:
Displayed on the white walls next to the internationally embraced symbols for the on/off button, recycling, and the @ symbol, one will find a mark of equally great significance: the “double-C in a circle,” or simply, the “CC,” Creative Commons mark.
This most visible icon of the free culture movement is on view in the exhibit, but the MoMA took even further steps to recognize the impact and importance of the “CC” logo and its accompanying ShareAlike, NonCommercial, Attribution, and NoDerivatives icons. On March 4, 2015 MoMA Senior Curator Paolo Antonelli announced that the Creative Commons logo had been formally acquired as part of the museum’s permanent collection. It is both a symbolic and very practical kind of acquisition. As part of the collection, the icons and their history will enjoy perpetual protection and recognition by MoMA. But their work is far from complete: like so many of the other instantly-recognizable icons in the MoMA collection, the “CC” logo will continue to be used and appreciated by millions of people in millions of situations, and for many years to come.
Read the full story of the CC logo here, written by Jay Walsh in collaboration with Creative Commons staff.