Earlier this fall, edX announced its high school initiative: a diverse collection of MOOCs specifically designed for the needs and interests of high school students around the world.
The first MITx offering in this high school initiative starts next month, on January 8, 2015. 8.MechCx: Advanced Introductory Classical Mechanics covers all of the topics and learning objectives specified by the College Board in their syllabus for an Advanced Placement*, Physics, Mechanics C course.
That means it’s calculus-based, and covers topics like kinematics in two dimensions, Newton’s laws, mechanical energy, momentum, rigid body rotation and dynamics, angular momentum, orbital motion, and simple harmonic motion. You’ll learn and practice how experts solve relatively sophisticated problems, many of them similar to problems on previous Advanced Placement Examinations in Mechanics C.
You can register for this class now.
* Advanced Placement and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings.