We’ve done it again. As we did with Dynamics a while back, we now offer MIT probabilistic systems curriculum in three delicious flavors. A standard OCW publication, an OCW Scholar version intended for independent and self-paced learning, and an MITx MOOC supporting the complete online learning experience.
Visually, you can see the difference. First the standard OCW course:
Note how the sections of the site are organized by content type. The standard OCW publication is a general resource for educators and students, providing materials that can be easily downloaded and shared offline for a variety of purposes, including independent learning.
Now the OCW Scholar version:
Here, we’ve taken the extra effort to organize the content into logical units (and to ensure it’s complete), but now it more explicitly supports independent learning at the expense of resource sharing, since it’s a more integrated and online offering. Still OCW, though, with no interaction with faculty or other students, and no recognition for learning, but persistently available so you can move at your own pace. The OCW Scholar course combines content previously published on the standard OCW site above with 51 new videos recorded in 2013 by MIT Teaching Assistants.
Now the MITx MOOC:
Organized for study, linked to discussion forums, some access to faculty, a lovely certificate at the end. To earn the certificate, though, you commit to moving at the pace of the course when it’s offered.
There you have it. However you like your learning, we gotcha covered.
Steve- This is REALLY interesting. 3 ways to learn the same stuff on line. You keep innovating!
Thanks so much. The team here does a great job.