If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a freshman at MIT, our selection of OCW Scholar courses is now complete enough to cover the typical schedule of a first-year Mechanical Engineering student.
Here’s the chart from the Mech E website, linked to the relevant OCW Scholar courses. (Alright, the second HASS course–that’s Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences for the non-MIT readers–isn’t a Scholar course, but still crazy good for independent study.)
A great way to get a really in-depth sense of what an MIT education has to offer.
Sample Schedules
Typical Schedule
Freshman | Fall | Spring | ||||
3.091 | 12 | 8.02 | 12 | |||
8.01 | 12 | 18.02 | 12 | |||
18.01 | 12 | Elective | 12 | |||
HASS | 12 | HASS | 12 | |||
Total Units | 48 | 48 |