The OpenEd conference was an important incubator for the OpenCourseWare Consortium in the early going (2004-2007) and is one of the great open education conferences each year. Give it a look:
Proposals are due by 11:59pm Friday, May 3
The 10th Annual Open Education Conference is now accepting proposals! Come share the important work you’re doing with the OpenEd community. The 2013 conference strands include:
- developing and deploying models that support the broad adoption and use of open educational resources
- leveraging the open content infrastructure to enable and reinvigorate efforts like prior learning assessment, alternative pathways to credentials, and informal and lifelong learning
- measuring the impact of openness on the cost of education and various student success metrics
- exploiting the synergies between open education and parallel work in open data, open access, open government, open science, and open source
- promoting and evaluating institutional and governmental policy and strategy around open
- supporting open study groups and other opportunities for social interaction
- democratizing the credentialing process with open badges
- designing new pedagogies that leverage the reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute potential of OER
- innovating at the bleeding edge of openness
We’re looking forward to seeing you – and hearing from you – at the “10th annual family reunion” of the Open Education movement in Park City, Utah, November 6 – 8, 2013.
Submit your Proposal now!